Copyright Notice!

All the work posted here is original, done by me, and as such I hold the copyright to it. Anyone who wishes to use my paintings for any purpose should contact me in advance. They are not in public domain and may not be used elsewhere without written permission from Martha Ann Kennedy. Using my work without my permission is in violation of copyright law.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Berkeley Mine, Butte, Montana

This is not a beautiful place, but it was, for me, a beautiful moment. I was in Butte, Montana, March 31, 2008, with my niece. It was a bitter cold day. We stopped and parked in the middle of town, almost a ghost town, all turn of the 20th century prosperity. We both loved it. An old guy, looked like an Irish miner to me, said, "Pea soup weather, ladies, pea soup weather," and he ducked into a bar.
Oil on canvas, 8 x 10

1 comment:

  1. Yet another beautiful work -- rock on you crazy artist!!
